A distant thought of starting your own domain marketplace business like Flippa can be a reality. To find out how you can do it effectively without burning a hole in your pocket and giving up a lot of time, read further. Flippa is a marketplace giant, which offers a platform to buy and sell businesses, domains, mobile apps and many more. Established in 2009, Flippa made it very big and now has its name in top businesses. A business idea similar to Flippa or marketplace business is a good deal by seeing the immense success of Flippa and the emergence of the online marketplaces. While economic and technical aspects take a toll on your business ideas and make it a distant reality as it is said and believed that a good business idea needs a good amount of investment and a lot more things to get started. Well, it's not true in every case. Here, clone scripts come to you for the rescue. Clone scripts help you start a business similar to an already successful website with ready...
Flippa clone is a feature-rich ready to launch script by MintTM. It is a pre-configured Flippa clone script to launch a domain marketplace website like Flippa. MintTM is a web and app development company providing quick and easy website solutions like Flippa clone along with an option of customization. Customization provides you with a competitive advantage of a unique website with features of an already successful website.